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I wake up at six sharp and a little while later I get up at five past six. Then I get dressed in my special clothes, I wash my face and I leave the Castle by a quarter to seven. Next, I ride my horse and I do a lap to guard the city from seven until nine. When I finish the lap, I always explain the tasks from the day to the soldiers. After that, I get together with the king assistant at nine sharp if he needs to talk to me. When I finish this at ten sharp, I ride a horse once again to talk with my assistant battle in Napoli city to preview next battles we are talking by one hour. At eleven o’clock I go to the hay. There I teach my young student – to ride a horse, battle, tournaments, etc. When I finish, I return to l’Ovo Castle to speak with my family and at half past two we have lunch, normally – meat with vegetables which is really good to stand the rest of the day. After that I always go to read. Then, I do the siesta for one hour a half. However, I go to reelevate some of the soldiers and I put to work. Also I guard the soldiers' tasks is one of the important tasks. Then arrives the best moment of the day I go to sharpen my arms at hardware store and I talk with my friend ironmonger. Now is the moment to return at l’Ovo Castle to have dinner with my family and the king’s family – peas with some meat and cold meat. Finally, I go upstairs to my room and there I put my night dress and I sleep. 

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